Monday, January 29, 2007

Blogging and Active Life

I read somewhere that the more activity filled your life becomes you tend to blog lesser and lesser. I do not know if this is for a fact... But in my case, I can see this happening. With my family life getting busier and active day-by-day, I tend to find lesser time to blog.

Probably some of you might think I am just reasoning out to justify my lack of blogging... But believe me, though there are lots of things that I would like to blog about, I have not yet found the time to accumulate them, converge them into a topic and put them in words.

Now coming back to the current topic, I do see that some of my friends who used to blog regularly and some other blogs that I used to frequent have also become less active. I was just wondering if their lives were also getting too active that they found lesser time to visit their blogs and update them....


  1. I dont think so in some cases..yea..I agree both of which u r talkin abt are inter-related..but there are ppl I really know who manage to write blogs though they are very much caught up with work!!

  2. Yeah, I thought so too. Thanks for dropping in. I tried viewing your profile on blogger by clicking on ur link. It draws up a blank... or rather gives me an error. If you have a blog of your own, do post the link for the same.

  3. May be it is the hybernation in winte that leads to less blogging!!!!!

  4. That is also probably true maama. ;-)

  5. So Aarthi... So you did make me write a post ... Thanks :-) ... How are you doing !!??

  6. and sometimes.. U have hell lots of time to kill but nothing pops up in ya mind.. dat will make an interesting read..

  7. man, if you are rite then I should get a life...i write when iam stressed out and feels like getting up close and personal with the fender of a runawat was great reading yours

  8. Writing needs time and the frame of mind for it. If one is too busy writing can become boring and monotonous. One has to relax and write passionately rather than write for the sake of it.

  9. Very true "rowdyrascal". Nice name for your online presence and a cute photograph of yours. Had me thinking where I have seen this face before I realised it was u!!!!

  10. hiiiii,
    i am new to blogging and i post lot of free gre materials in my blog. i am looking for help from experienced and established bloggers like you to extend my reach by providing a link to my webpage in your blog so that it will be easier for people to find me on the internet. i am eagerly awaiting your reply. please checkout my blog and leave a comment. hoping to get some encouraging reply from you. please help me.

  11. hi aarthi this is anandhi from chennai
    just tripped on to ur blog
    wanted to share something I'm also a native of vdr and a nadar and my spouse is a brahmin.
    WE too courted for five years and got married with the consent of our parents in 1993
    we are blessed with two kids arjun and janani aged 9 and 6 respy.
    And we have completed 14 successful years of maritial bliss

    just felt like sharing..

  12. WOW.. Nice to know you. Congratulations on a wonderful life. Hello to your family
